in Magdalena 1, nel suo armadio, vue de studio, studio view, 2024
Sans nom, horsehair, sisal, stoff, thread, leather, collage on linen, crin de cheval, sisal, tissu, cuir, fils, collage sur lin, 51″ x51″, 130x130cm, 2015
Par fil special, stoff, thread, collage on linen, tissu, fil, collage sur lin, 51″ x51″, 130x130cm, 2015
The silent room or the room in silent, thread on linen, fil sur toile, 47″x47″, 120x120cm, 2015
Montréal tancarville, thread on stained linen, fils sur lin tâché, 100x70cm, 2015
innerhalb Erinnerungen, thread, trimming on indigo dyeing linen, 62,99’’x62,99’’, 160x160cm, 2016
Sotto la pelle, huile, fil sur toile, oil, thread on linen, 59’’x59’’, 150x150cm